Call it a myth or a fact, but certain Anti-Virus Vendors are involved in making viruses in the first place. Off course the motive here is to sell their product. A Chinese Anti-Virus Vendor has been accused of such a case. The company has been installing viruses onto people’s cell phones in order to charge them to remove it. ‘NetQin’ would install a malware application into mobile handsets whenever its own anti-virus program was installed. NetQin software would also remove any other anti-virus software the user may have running on their handset so that its malpractice would not be detected. The users eventually get an alert to upgrade their anti-virus for the removal of the malware. The upgrade of the anti-virus cost the users about $0.30
The sale of NetQin anti-virus software has been blocked by 3 major mobile network operators in China through their app stores and they have also disabled the ability to charge people through their phone bills. However, NetQin remains quite about this issue.