Google, for years, has released Android distribution numbers in the first week of every month. Of course, there have been times when this Internet search giant was late, but the company didn’t miss out on releasing Android distribution numbers every month. However, Google hasn’t been punctual enough lately and didn’t release Android distribution numbers a couple of times. The company didn’t release last month’s Android distribution numbers, but luckily, numbers for this month have now been released.

According to the latest distribution numbers, Android Oreo, which is currently the latest version of Android, and was released almost a year ago, is running on a total of 12.1% of devices which isn’t impressive at all. In comparison, its predecessor, Android Nougat, released in 2016, is now running on 30.8% of devices. This also makes Nougat top the distribution charts.
Following Nougat is Android Marshmallow, released in 2015, which now has a share of 23.5%. Another version of Android that’s running on more than 20% of devices is Android Lollipop, having a share of 20.4%. Having said that, all other versions of Android are below 10%, and, this number will only reduce going further.
To sum it up, according to July’s Android distribution numbers, the Android distribution chart is topped by Android Nougat with a cumulative share of 30.8%. Following Nougat is Android Marshmallow with 23.5%, Android Lollipop with 20.4%, Android Oreo with 12.1%, Android KitKat with 9.1%, Android JellyBean with 3.6%, and lastly, Android Ice Cream Sandwich and Gingerbread with 0.3 and 0.2% respectively. Android versions that are running on less than 0.1% of devices aren’t included in this table.