Amazon has introduced its new Echo Spot smart alarm clock in India, marking the successor to its 2017 model. The updated device features a redesigned look, now resembling the Echo Pop. Unlike its predecessor, the new Echo Spot does not support video calling or smart home camera functionalities.
The new Amazon Echo Spot is equipped with a 1.73-inch front-firing speaker and a 2.83-inch touch-screen with 8 clock designs to choose from, and 6 color theme options – Orange, Violet, Magenta, Lime, Teal, and Blue. Alarms can be set via voice commands, choose music, or four new sounds – Aurora, Daybreak, Endeavor, and Flutter, and activate snooze options by voice or by tapping the device.
The device supports streaming services like Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify, JioSaavn, and more, and displays on-screen information for the current song title during playback. Users can adjust the volume or skip tracks via voice commands or physical buttons. The Echo Spot also links with compatible smart home devices
With Alexa Routines, users can set automated sequences of actions using voice commands, for example, Morning routine – gradually brightens smart lights and plays music, and Evening routine – dim lights and turn on a TV. In addition, the Ultrasound Motion Detection triggers routines based on room presence. Other features include support for calling other Alexa-enabled devices and broadcasting messages to other Echo devices in the home.
The new Amazon Echo Spot comes in Black and Blue color options and is priced at ₹8,999 (regular price), however, as a part of a limited-time offer, it is priced at ₹6,449. The device is available on, Blinkit, and Croma stores.
Amazon Echo Spot Price In India, Availability, & Offers
- Price: ₹8,999 (Regular Price)
- Availability:, Blinkit, and Croma stores
- Offers: ₹6,449 (limited-time)