Ardent listeners of the All India Radio (AIR) news will soon get the latest developments and headlines from across the country on the mobile phones via SMS.
According to sources, All India Radio (AIR) will soon launch a mobile service that will help broadcast its news to its subscribers via SMS. This service would be used to send the latest headlines to registered users across the country thrice a day. Each SMS would have the top 3 news headlines besides an advertisement tag. The news headlines would be fitted in approximately 100 characters while the remaining 60 are reserved for the advertising tag.
Officials claim that this SMS based service would help AIR news to expand its reach while the advertisement tag could generate revenue simultaneously. As the service gets popular, the Marketing Division of AIR would try to sell the advertising tags which would accompany the news alerts. In the meanwhile, AIR has already obtained permission from TRAI to send bulk news messages under transactional messages category.