Aircel and Balaji Telefilms Ltd announced the launch of India’s first ever Detective mobile series – Kriminal Kaun. This Interactive, Detective series, is introduced by New Media – the digital entity of Balaji telefilms Ltd.
Kriminal Kaun is a series of ‘audiosodes’, where Aircel users can subscribe to this service and listen to the stories in Hindi or Tamil. The stories will be realted to mystery be it murder, kidnap or robbery. There is a fresh series every week like – Crime in Fashion World, The Trap, Wedding Night Murder, etc.
Each series has 4 episodes, updated daily – in the first episode the consumers get to hear the story ; the second episode focuses on investigation ; the third episode is dedicated purely to subscriber interaction where they get to guess the “Kriminal” in the series and in the fourth episode the detective Inspector Avinash solves the crime.
This detective series is available to Mobile users of Aircel at a charge of Rs.30 per month as subscription and 10 paise per minute.