Tata Docomo has announced a unique Animation Contest. This is great because they are encouraging animators to be creative with their own brand which is something that has not been done by too many companies out there. The animators will be required to come up with a short 2D animation clip (5-60 secs) using the Tata Docomo logos and tune. Those who impress the jury with their animations will win 1 lakh rupees each! That’s not all, their work can also be telecast on TV channels! The contest starts on the 18th of September and the end date is on the 31st of October.
To Participate
Go to create.tatadocomo.com. Pick up the TATA DOCOMO logosand the brand signature tune music from a section called as ‘What to DO’. This section would also have a ‘brief’ which will help you understand what has to be done. Read the instructions carefully, as they are given in Terms of the DO…and you are ready!
The contest opens from 18th September 2009 and stays on till 31st October 2009.