Swype for Android now enters v3.26 Beta and with this latest update the old procedure to update the software via Swype installer will no longer be available and now users will be able to update via Swype Connect v2, which lets us deliver the latest Swype improvements directly to your device. When a new update is ready, Swype will send a notification right to your device and so you’ll never get stuck with an expired version of Swype BETA again. Since automatic-updates don’t require users to uninstall Swype first, users will be able to take their dictionary and settings whenever they upgrade.
With this new update Swype is adding support to more than 11 languages and the most important of it is Japanese (kana-kanji conversion). With this update Swype has enabled the Context Prediction Engine so based on the text you enter, Swype will offer more accurate predictions that make sense in the context of the sentence. You can download the beta update from here or wait for at least 72 hours before you are notified for the update.