TATA DOCOMO entered India by offering ‘Pay Per Second’ Tariff to its subscribers. This was a Game Changer Plan, now almost every mobile operator offers ‘Pay Per Second’ Tariff. TATA DOCOMO provides ‘Pay Per Second’ Tariff as default tariff to all its Prepaid subscribers, in case of other operators one needs to recharge with some special voucher to avail ‘Pay Per Second’ Tariff for a particular period. Some of the Popular TATA DOCOMO’s offerings are GPRS Packs, BuddyNet, Timed SMS, Diet SMS and DOCOMICS.
TATA DOOCMO made the “IMPOSSIBLE” possible. No-one would have thought that a new telecom operator will change the dynamics of the industry. With its effective marketing in digital space, television and outdoor space, TATA DOCOMO build a reputation for itself. Off-course, only good service quality also worked in favor of building its brand reputation. Both these factors – marketing and service quality – enabled TATA DOCOMO to win “Best Operator Award” in Emerging Markets at recently held Telecom Asia Awards.
We wish TATA DOCOMO All the Best for future and wish that it will continue to “Do the New”.